It’s early evening, you’re walking your dog when, suddenly, another dog appears out of nowhere and attacks your beloved pet and bites you. This scenario is more common than you might think. Dogs make great life companions and this world would be bleak, indeed, without them. But, sometimes they bite as in the above example. Not only would you be terrified and in pain, the Centers for Disease Control states that 1 in 5 dog bites require medical attention. Should you sue the animal’s owner? What about your pet? The best way to know is by talking with an experienced dog bite attorney like Kathryn Burmeister of Burmeister Law Firm.

What you should know about suing over a dog bite

A dog bite attorney will listen to the details of the incident and help you determine if you’re entitled to compensation from the dog’s owner. To hold the dog’s owner liable for your injuries, you’ll need to prove several factors existed:

  1. The owner acted negligently in handling or restraining the animal, or simply let it roam “at liberty” unleashed.
  2. The animal is vicious or dangerous.
  3. You (the injured person) did nothing to provoke the animal.

You’ll also need to prove the owner knew the dog was potentially dangerous to others but did not take reasonable measures to restrain the animal and prevent injury to others. For instance, if the dog ran out of a neighbor’s yard and attacked you, or charged at you in a public park, unleashed, the owner may have acted with negligence. It could be the case that the owner knows his dog has a history of biting or attacking others and allowed the animal to roam free without a leash, you may have good reason to sue.

Compensation for dog bite injuries

Personal injury laws include dog bite laws, which give victims of dog bite injuries the right to collect damages in the form of financial compensation from the person at fault. Dog attacks often cause serious injuries and damage to people. That’s why you need to consult with a proven, knowledgeable dog bite attorney. You deserve compensation to offset:

  • Medical bills associated with a visit to the ER or doctor’s office, prescriptions, physical therapy, etc.
  • Lost wages due to time away from work as you recover from the injuries.
  • Replacement of personal items that were damaged or lost during the attack (prescription eyeglasses, clothing, cell phone, and any other personal items you may have carried).
  • Veterinarian bills associated with a pet going to the vet if your pet is injured in the attack.

Depending on the viciousness of the attack and extent of the injuries other things to consider when suing for damages include permanent disfigurement and resulting emotional distress.

It’s critical that you have meticulous details about the incident to share with your dog bite lawyer. Write down everything you can remember as soon as possible after the attack, once you’ve received the necessary medical attention. If you noticed other witnesses present at the time of the attack, contact them as quickly as possible to gather their statements as well. Always contact animal control to file a complaint even if you don’t know the owner of the animal.

Take action and call a top dog bite attorney now

Georgia’s statute of limitations for animal bites is only two years, so it’s important to call a dog bite Attorney Kathryn Burmeister now. You don’t want to risk having your case rejected because you waited too long to take action. At Burmeister Law Firm, your discussion with Kathryn Burmeister is always free, confidential, and comes with no obligation. She’ll listen compassionately and carefully to the details of the incident and determine the best way to proceed.

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Phone Number: (770) 450-1155

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