Your car insurance coverage typically protects you from liability if you injure someone else or damage a vehicle, reimburses you for damage to your vehicle, and provides reimbursement should your vehicle be stolen or damaged in a storm, fire, or other non-driving situation. But you may need to think about more coverage. Most insurance companies offer a number of different…
In discussions with clients, we often discover that many people think that their motor vehicle insurance protects them, but actually don’t have a good understanding of what that coverage really means. This can put you at legal risk. We see these situations often in car accident cases. Vehicle insurance protects more than your car or truck. It also protects your…
Every year, American workers enjoy a legal holiday known as Labor Day, but many don’t know the details of its origin. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, agriculture was the primary occupation for the majority of people around the world. And the associated hard physical labor wasn’t only a man’s job. Women regularly handled a number of physically demanding tasks,…
A catastrophic injury changes a person’s life in an instant. It’s important to understand how an accident like this could impact your own life as well. In addition to physical and emotional impacts, these injuries cause serious financial damages as well. Below is an interview with a person who has experienced such an injury. Kathryn Burmeister: Hi Steve and thank…
Semi-trucks pulling tractor trailers comprise a vital part of the economy. These big rigs transport nearly 70 percent of the goods to stores around the country. A crash involving a large truck can cause serious injury or death to people in smaller vehicles. An experienced truck accident lawyer can help injured parties recover financial and even punitive damages if negligence…
Summer is fast approaching and about 60% of Americans plan a vacation that’s at least 100 miles from home during the warm and sunny months. Whether you go road-tripping in your own car, or fly to your destination and rent a vehicle, it’s important to know what to do if you get in a wreck far from home. According to…
Delayed Symptoms of Life-Threatening Injuries From Motorcycle Accidents A major accident involving a car or truck is dangerous and terrifying. Collisions involving motorcycles, however, are far worse because the risk for catastrophic injury or death increases substantially. Motorcycle accident lawyer Kathryn Burmeister has a proven track record of helping motorcyclists injured in an accident obtain justice and the financial…
If you suspect your elderly loved one has been abused by a caretaker, family member, or friend, consider contacting an attorney with knowledge and experience in elder law. Elder abuse lawyer, Kathryn Burmeister, advises doing this immediately so you’ll have expert help with the reporting process. She says this will ensure your senior loved one’s rights and give you legal…
If you have a loved one in a senior care facility, it’s important to know the signs of elder abuse. You might imagine that elder abuse would be something easy to identify, but it’s often harder than you think. Aging, in general, involves a decline in overall health, mental acuity, and mobility. Due to these natural effects of the aging…
Knowledge is always powerful but especially in uncertain times. With the news putting out information that may be true, false, or somewhere in between, I decided to delve into some more details when it comes to disinfecting and masks. Key Takeaways Higher concentrations of disinfectant are not always better. Not all disinfectants sanitize every virus and bacteria. The disinfecting ability…