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Nursing Home Neglect & Abuse

Top Nursing Home Neglect Lawyer

When your elder or senior loved one suffers neglect or abuse of any kind while under professional care, you need to contact a top nursing home neglect lawyer. You entrust the care of your elder loved one to people claiming to deliver the best and most compassionate care available.

Unfortunately, sometimes the professionals you trust fall short of their mandate and their neglect and abuse deeply wounds patients in countless ways.

Do You Really Need a Nursing Home Neglect or Abuse Lawyer?

If you believe staff at a nursing home has neglected or abused your loved one, you probably do need to consult with a caring nursing home neglect lawyer. Kathryn Burmeister of Burmeister Law Firm is one such attorney. Some signs of nursing home abuse include, but are not limited to:

  • Sudden weight loss. Has your loved one suddenly lost a noticeable amount of weight? Unexplained weight loss may indicate nursing home staff is neglecting to properly feed your loved one.
  • Bone breaks. Accidents happen. Everyone understands that. But a common cause of broken bones in nursing homes is physical abuse by caregiver staff.
  • Inadequate hydration. Your elderly loved one needs adequate and appropriate hydration around the clock. Serious dehydration can occur rapidly with the elderly and deadly medical issues can arise when nursing home staff neglects to ensure proper hydration.
  • Decubitus ulcer. Most people know of decubitus ulcers as bed sores. They occur when caregiver staff neglects to frequently move their patient; regularly change bedding; or take care to keep the patient’s skin clean and dry. Bed sores often qualify as grounds for a neglect lawsuit.
  • Unclean living conditions. Perhaps you’ve visited several times and noticed your grandfather’s bed linens looked soiled and dirty. Or, maybe the room itself is visibly dirty with insects showing up almost every visit.

If you notice any of these signs of possible neglect, or abuse or anything else that seems out of place, take care to document them carefully and call Attorney Kathryn Burmeister immediately.

An Experienced Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse Lawyer Can Help

Kathryn Burmeister is a highly experienced nursing home neglect lawyer. Your consultation with her is absolutely free of charge and comes with no obligation. After speaking with you, she’ll determine if your loved one has suffered nursing home abuse or neglect.

She will then fight for financial compensation and make certain your loved one gets the care he or she needs and deserves. Don’t wait to contact a nursing home abuse attorney. Not only do you deserve compensation for the tragic wrongs that have occurred, you wouldn’t want this to happen to anyone else.

Schedule a Free Consultation
Phone Number: (770) 450-1155

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